The Philips Reference Series LHH 1000 is now the standard by which other compact disc players will be measured. Other companies may claim state-of-the-art technology but the world's most particular audiophiles-Philips engineers-have achieved it, designing a technological masterpiece that is as pure and complete as anyMozart sonata.
Limited Edition
A limited edition-and in strictly limited quantitiesthe Philips LHH 1000 says much about the people who designed the system and the discerning buyer. It says only the best will do...only a level of excellence attained after years of dedication to achieving the finest musical reproduction possible.
Maximum performance
Every component of the Philips LHH 1000 is hand chosen for maximum performance. At the heart of the separate digital -to -analog converter and digital filter are special Select Grade TDA-1541A Sl chips with four times oversampling that realize a startling 15.75 bits of resolution from the 16 bits available in the compact disc format. The highest resolution yet achieved in compact disc. Linearity error and distortion barely register. In fact, ail
specifications are where you
would expect them to be-at
the top of their class. The separate transport section features the professional
quality, broadcast standard
Philips CDM-1 mechanism
made of die cast aluminum
alloy. An extremely accurate
single beam laser pickup floats
on a Radialinear swinging arm
that improves tracking ability and offers faster track -to -
track access times. And, of
course, the LHH 1000 has
the renowned Philips Favorite
Track Selection (FTS) system
to program your entire CD
Distortion free sound
Connections between the
Reference Compact Disc Player
System (DAC and transport)
can be made with coaxial or
optical fiber cable with diamond polished connectors.
This ensures 100 percent error
free transmission of digital
data, resulting in truly lifelike,
distortion -free sound.
Utmost thought and care
The utmost thought and
care went into every aspect of
the LHH 1000. There are no
plastic parts anywhere in the
chassis assembly. The elegant
looks belie durable and rugged construction that is second
to none.
Universal remote control
A sophisticated Learning
Type Universal remote control
is capable of learning 150 functions from other remotes. LCD
readouts complements the
system to provide complete
fingertip control of this state-ofthe-art CD player.
Gold standard
There is no question: the
Philips LHH 1000 has set the
gold standard for CD technology. It is the finest compact
disc player currently available, for people with no tolerance for imperfection.
"Recommended in Class A of Stereophile's Recommended Components Listing. (Stereophile, Vol.12, No.6 June 1989"
- State-of-the-Art reference standard dual-chassis CD player system with unsurpassed performance
- Dedicated broadcast quality Philips CDM-1 radialinear transport mechanism
- Digital-to-analog converter section uses highest grade D/A converter chips and digital filter with four times oversampling
- Philips jitter elimination circuitry
- Audiophile attention to detail on all digital and analog circuits
- Extensive input and output capabilities
- LCD/learn remote can command up to 10 different components
The top rating by one of the most critical audio product review magazines in the world. this is the sort of acclaim reserved for the most "esoteric" audio components. Components that are carefully designed for the best sound, handmade from selected components, tuned for the best sonics and made in limited quantities...that is the philosophy bbehind the Philips LHH1000 compact disc system.
As the Creator of Compact Disc Technology, Philips has always maintained a leadership role in CD technology; the Philips LHH1000 is the culmination of those efforts. With its sophisticated lines and advanced engineering, the limited edition Philips LHH1000 says a great deal about the dedicated audiophiles who designed it and the discerning consumers purchasing the system. It says only the highest levels of performance will satisfy their demand for the best in musical reproduction.
A dual-chassis system, the Philips LHH1000 has a separate compact disc player (Philips LHH1001) and digital-to-analog converter (Philips LHH1002) that are second to none. The Philips LHH1001 was designed around the cutting edge Philips CDM-1 radialinear broadcast tracking assembly and single beam laser pickup. The Philips CDM-1 mechanism is extremely accurate and can smoothly move from track to track with an average access time of 1 second. The Philips LHH1001 was engineerd with attention paid to every detail and the vibration-resistant chassis and die-cast aluminum alloy transport eliminate any unwanted resonance for superior sound quality. Philips maximum stratgey error correction system ensures accurate playback of even scratched or soiled CDs. And, of course, the Philips LHH1000 has the favorite track selection (FTS) system to program your entire CD collection.
The Philips LHH1002 digital-to-analog converter (DAC) uses Philips' highest grade chips to achieve superb linearity and unmatched audio specifications. The DAC uses the Philips Select Grade TDA-1541-A S1 "Gold Crown" chips that are truly state-of-the-art, While others may make that claim, Philips can deliver on it, since we design and build all of our own chips to the exacting standards imposed by our engineers. The result is unsurpassed resolution of more than 15.75 bits out of the 16 bits available in the Compact Disc system.
A digital filter with four times oversampling eliminates quantization noise that can degrade the signal. And the Philips LHH1002 digital-to-analog converter unit uses three separate power transformers - a total of six individual power supplies - for the highest accuracy. The finest decoupling and Elna Cerafine capacitors are used in conjuction with computer aided design of the analog circuiss to ensure top reproduction with a minimum of interference and crosstalk. Philips proprietary Jitter Elimination circuit eliminates constantly shifting digital timing errors that can mask important musical detail. Simply stated - the Philips LHH1000 compact disc system is truly reference class.
In keeping with the "reference" standard, the Philips LHH1000 can use either a fiber optic or coaxial link between the CD transport and the DAC section for absolute signal purity. The digital-to-analog converter chassis also has professional-type balanced outputs for the finest sonic integrity. Conventional line level outputs are also provided.
The utmost thought and care went into every aspect of the Philips LHH1000. There are no plastic parts anywhere in the chassis assembly. The elegant looks belie durable and rugged construction that is second to none.
Also part of the Philips LHH1000 system is a full-function Universal remote control. Not only can it command all Philips equipment but it can learn 150 function codes of up to ten components from different manufacturers. LCD readouts complements the system to provide complete fingertip control of this state-of-the-art CD player.
There is no question: the Philips LHH1000 has set the standard for CD technology. You would expect nothing less from the Creator of Compact Disc Tehnology.
To complement the reference standard capabilities of the Philips LHH1000, Philips engineers designed a full-function LCD/Learn remote control. It is preprogrammed with Philips-compatible RC-5 codes and can learn 150 additional functions from up to ten other components from different manufacturers.
The Philips Reference Series LHH 1000 is now the standard by which other compact disc players will be measured. Other companies may claim state-of-the-art technoloy but the world's most particular audiophiles - Philips engineers - have achieved it, designing a technological masterpiece that is as pure and complete as any Mozart sonata.
A limited edition - and in strictly limited quantities - the Philips LHH 1000 says much about the people who designed the system and the descerning buyer. It says only the best will do...only a level of excellence attained after years of dedication to achieving the finest musical reproduction possible.
Every component of the Philips LHH 1000 is hand chosen for maximum performance. At the heart of the separate digital-to-analog converter and digital filter is a special Select Grade TDA-1541A S1 chip with four times oversampling that realize a startling 15.75 bits resolution from the 16 bits available in the compact disc format. The highest resolution yet achieved in the compact disc format. Linearity error and distortion barely register. In fact, all specifications are where you would expect them to be - at the top of their class.
The separate transport section features the professional quality, broadcast standards Philips CDM-1 mechanism made of die cast aluminum alloy. An extremely accurate single beam laser pickup floats on a Radialinear swinging arm that improves tracking abililty and offers faster track-to-track access times. And, of course, the Philips LHH 1000 has renowned Philips Favorite Track Selection (FTS) system to program your entire CD collection.
Connections between the Reference Compact Disc Player System (DAC and transport) can be made with coaxial of optical fiber cable with diamond polished connectors. This ensures 100 percent error free transmission of digital data, resulting in truly lifelike, distortion-free sound.
The utmost thought and care went into every aspect of the Philips LHH 1000. There are no plastic parts anywhere in the chassis assembly. The elegant looks belie durable and rugged construction that is second to none.
A sophisticated Learning Type Universal remote control is capable of learning 150 functions from other remotes. LCD readouts complements the system to provide complete fingertip control of this state-of-the-art CD player.
There is no question: the Philips LHH 1000 has set the gold standard for CD technology. It is the finest compact disc player currently available, for people with no tolerance for imperfection.